On Oct 17, 2007, at 16:01, Jerry Feldman wrote:

> That company at some
> future time, decides to sell the patent because they may no longer be
> receiving revenue from that product.

Even worse - I've licensed the patent to four companies who are using  
it, and a fifth is infringing.  I don't have a legal team to do  
enforcement, and the first four are getting grumpy about #5.

> Additionally please send email either to the listserv or to the poster
> you are replying to, but not both.

Au contraire, please send messages to both me and the mailing list.   
I would have responded earlier but my gnhlug-only mail is filtered  
(if I'm in the header it goes right to my inbox), so I didn't see it  
until I checked the box again, which can sometimes be days, which  
kills a thread's momentum.

Use duplicate message suppression on your end if you don't want both  
- there's not a way (that I know of) to do the opposite.  Cyrus,  
dovecot, (and courier, I think), at least, have this built in.   
procmailex(5) also has a simple recipe.

Bill McGonigle, Owner           Work: 603.448.4440
BFC Computing, LLC              Home: 603.448.1668
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Cell: 603.252.2606
http://www.bfccomputing.com/    Page: 603.442.1833
Blog: http://blog.bfccomputing.com/
VCard: http://bfccomputing.com/vcard/bill.vcf

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