"c. smith" wrote:
> group
> I just noticed something interesting, I have about 5000 users on an
> email server and some (about 300 of them) are not listed as being in the
> group that is the same as there user name, but the corresponding group
> is a 4 digit number such as 5710 and none of the numbers are repeated.
> such as the example below....
> drwx------ 2 twalsh   5713  1024 Oct 11  15:48 twalsh
> drwx------ 2 twyla    twyla 1024 Oct 11  15:49 twyla
> anyone have any clues as to the reason for the number in the group
> column???
> (I will be looking for corresponding info in the password file)

The number is actually a group number.  Most group numbers are mapped in
the /etc/groups file. (Or NIS/YP if you happen to be using it).  As to
why there is no group entry for those folks, I'm not sure.  Perhaps you
created them manually rather than with useradd and didn't give them an
entry in /etc/groups?

I don't suffer from insanity.  I enjoy every minute of it.

Cole Tuininga
Network Admin
Trade Services, Inc
(603) 427-1100

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