In a message dated: Fri, 29 Mar 2002 01:46:51 EST
Paul Iadonisi said:

>  Oh, really?  Are you refering to Red Hat?

No, the 'ubiquitous' "Them" which is always at fault when something 
is wrong.  You know "They made me do it."  "It's all their fault", 
etc. :)

> Not to start any kind of flamewar, but I have to disagree.  There's been 
> a few flub-ups, but I don't consider them any worse than what I've seen
> in other distributions.

Ahhh, you're just no fun.  We haven't had a good pointless flame-war 
in what, oh, at least a week or so.  We're due, *and* entitled one :)

But seriously, I think the real problem, with them, and any UNIX 
vendor, is, as you yourself pointed out, the total lack of sysadmin 
input into the development process. (RH seems to lack a decent QA 
system as well.  I can't speak for other vendors, since my only real
refernce points are RH and Debian, and well, debian has nothing :)

        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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