On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 08:38:04PM +0200, Antonius Iesus wrote:
> I'm just a user and I would never have thought of finding myself
> writing to the gnome community, but sadly I have found myself morally
> forced to do so.

Understood. Still, please stick to one mailing list only
(gnome-themes-list). I've ensured it only appears on gnome-themes-list

> A few minutes ago I was changing the background of my desktop and
> clicked on the link to the backgrounds page in art.gnome site. Then,
> in page #6 I find a picture titled "Hasta siempre" (forever!) of
> Ernesto "Che" Guevara, one of worst sadistic serial killers known in
> the whole history of mankind and turned into one of the biggest icons
> of socialist totalitarianism.
> Let me tell you that watching "that thing" have made me feel very sad,
> as I believed and still believe that Gnome is not the place for that
> kind of stuff, the same way that Gnome is not the place for showing
> pictures of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro or any
> kind of monsters like these ones, and the same way Gnome is not the
> place for finding any type of apology of criminal ideologies.
> I'm sorry I'm writing to all of you but first, I have not found any
> e-mail address of administrators of gnome, an second, Gnome is a
> community and as member of this community (as user and occasional bug
> reporter) I think I have the right to share this thoughts with all of
> you.

There are no 'administrators of GNOME'. Anyway, I've cc'ed the board.

board: full reference to the current thread (different opinions, etc):

> The links:
> http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/teams/art.gnome.org/backgrounds/OTHER-HastaSiempre_1024x768.jpg
> http://art.gnome.org/backgrounds/?page=6

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