
I think that it should be the opposite, a place of respect in which include
all ways of thinking. By this I mean, whoever can use the image that they



On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 12:09 AM, carlos <cpe...@warp.es> wrote:

> Hello:
> Besides all the shit written in the original message, one thing is true,
> there's only one "political biased" background in the art.gnome site (as far
> as I browsed). The rest of the backgrounds cannot offend any ideological
> concern.
> I think that backgrounds in gnome should be neutral, or "gnome biased" but
> never use a political icon, good or bad.
> In this world is very easy to harrass someone only using a piece of cloth
> tinted with a bunch of colors. And molested people then to defend themselves
> trying to harass their suposed foes. These things should end with someone
> drawing parallelism between Hitler and the other side, well this time begins
> with, Is the fastest demonstration of the Godwin's law [0] I ever seen
> before.
> It happens all over the world, United States flag/eagle is a sign of pride
> for some people, an imperialist sign for some others and an invading foe for
> others. The palestinian / israel conflict is another good example. Even
> Dalai Lama, leader of the budhist religion, one of the most peaceful
> religions out there, is considered an evil agitator by the chinese govern.
> I think that art.gnome must remain clean of flags, political or religious
> heros / killers , religious signs and things like that, and also this list
> should be clean of political debate.
> Silvina de Brum wrote:
>> Hi:
>> [snip]
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