Greetings to all.

This kind of mailings are new and and expression of changed political-positions 
(like war andsoon). N o t   an expression of godwin's law.

In the case the "national Hero" has ben called "Hero", it offers nationalism. 
~95% in german means Hitler wasnt an national Hero. Today we know: the Hitler 
was produced by warcraft-capitalism, thats why the motorway. 

Some day the motorway has been build anyway, maybe more efficient, surely 
without kills. The fascism murderd beastalike also handicapped-germans, 
dissidents-germans, clercs-germans and so on. One of their methods are to lie 
and prevert the facts (this case couse of these mailings).

Where are we today? Is the warcraft-capitalism done? Our Ms. Merkel had ben 
called as an fascism too a few month before   :-D.

Fascism alike illustrations, songs, parolee (also as Background)... are 
forbidden in german since more than 60 jears by a few law's (Potsdammer 
Abkommen) an assumed by our constitutional-law. Who are we that we challenge 

art.gnome cannot envelope this discussions, please swap-out now. Im developer 
and active-anti-fascism who knows many sides. I will build an free 
discussion-forum ( i will need 3 Days), please stand still until i post done.

Peter Rader
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Thiago Arroadie 
  To: Ricardo Espinel 
  Sent: Friday, June 04, 2010 5:24 PM
  Subject: Re: Very sad: a serial killer in art.gnome

  I think you are just misleading the whole thing...

  (if) You think Hitler was a national hero, and you feel like making a 
wallpaper of him for you, you should do it.
  (if) You think that Israel is a fair place to live and feel like making a 
wallpaper of it's flag, you should do it.
  (if) You think Mussolini was a good leader and feel like making a wallpaper 
of him, you should do it.
  (if) You think Pinochet and George Bush are also, great leaders AND feel like 
making wallpapers of them, you should do it.

  (if) You study a little more and open you mind, you will see that Hitler 
really was a national hero, really went hard trying to make of German a better 
country. Was he wrong? Maybe in the method.
  (if) You use the same open mind to take a look into what means Nazi, you will 
see further more then "killing jews", a patriotic movement. Were they wrong? 
Maybe in the method.

  People admire and DO make wallpapers, flags, flyers and bunch of stuff about 
lots of people that you see as genocides and they see as heroes.

  I, as declared, don't give a shit about Guevara. But, for good luck, happened 
that I live in Argentina, homeland of Guevara, and had the chance to learn a 
lot about him. See someone with a t-shirt of Guevara make me think about people 
around the world using t-shirts of Bush and Obama. About people that have flags 
of the Nazi party, the People's Republic of China, who kill Tibetans without 
anyone saying shit and still buying chinese crap, about all these 
inconsistences that surround us.

  Part of this is result of something that you may not like when other people 
uses, but that you make plenty of use and its called: Free of speech.

  I guess I made my point and I guess you are just trolling, so I'll keep just 
'til here.

  best regards to the group.

  2010/6/4 Ricardo Espinel <>

    So this is it.

    I think Adolf Hitler was a brave german national hero, he just did a great 
welfare work and fought onb behalf of german people. Can I Please upload to 
Gnome website some wallpaper in apology of the Nazi party?

    So, besides I think the Israel government is just fighting for the security 
of their people, and Mussolini was also good, and all the dictators from afrika 
are also good, and Pinochett, even George Bush.

    I think you Che defenders are the ones who don't think about hurting other 
people. It would be better if this wallpaper was just deleted, and there was 
neither apologies to the left nor right political conditions.

    Remember, it doesn't matter who is the final user of gnome, it ought be 
open for every single kind of people.

    Date: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 14:55:44 -0700
    Subject: Re: Very sad: a serial killer in art.gnome


    After reading this email, it is really difficoult to me not to respond it.

    First, Thanks Thiago for your words I totally agree with you.

    Second, Let's try to keep this mailing list as a what it is now, a nice 
space of sharing great things. So please, before writing think twice if people 
would feel offended by your words, because I am sure many people feel this way 
now. So please be respectful, a lot of people might think different than you.

    Last, get informed before talking. There are a lot of books, documentaries, 
movies. Maybe what people says it is not true, just check it.
    (Movies: Che 1 and Che 2, Documentaries: about Cuban revolution, books like 
reminiscence of the Cuban revolution war) I have learned a lot of what was 
happening before and after the revolution. After learning that  I have become a 
great admirer of el che Guevara, I am sure you will understand more things if 



    On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Thiago Arroadie <> 

      Dear Antonius,

      I was really reluctant to answer you, but in the end, here we go.

      First of all, I think your comment totally misplaced...
      The create an analogy between Adolf Hitler and Ernesto Guevara is really 
going too far.

      I actually don't give a shit to the image (even that is pretty well made) 
but if someone wanted to share the ideology of the Cuban (and latin-american) 
revolution, a thing that I don't expect you to understand, I don't see a good 
reason for not doing it.

      Otherwise then the way you put it, and knowing that you certainly comes 
from a country that already wen't to a war, the history is and has always been 
told by those who won the wars. I don't expect you to call your president or 
war heroes "serial killers", "monsters" or "murderers". In fact, we give them 
glory and eternity, over the blood they trow and lives they took.

      A revolution is not made by raising flowers, unfortunately. And the image 
of Guevara is and will always be, the icon of the day the weak fought the 
strong and won. Won the right to chose their own destiny. What you call 
"socialism totalitarianism" (which is itself a really weird expression) were 
once called "free world" even that today this old dream is decaying.

      I really think you, one day, will be able to think from out of the box 
and see that the world where you live is bigger and has more people and 
cultures that you can imagine, so, respect them.

      Sorry for the weird English, I come from a weird Latin world.

      Best regards.


      2010/5/26 Antonius Iesus <>

        Hello all.

        First of all let me congratulate to all of you who make possible this
        great project, Gnome.

        I'm just a user and I would never have thought of finding myself
        writing to the gnome community, but sadly I have found myself morally
        forced to do so.

        A few minutes ago I was changing the background of my desktop and
        clicked on the link to the backgrounds page in art.gnome site. Then,
        in page #6 I find a picture titled "Hasta siempre" (forever!) of
        Ernesto "Che" Guevara, one of worst sadistic serial killers known in
        the whole history of mankind and turned into one of the biggest icons
        of socialist totalitarianism.

        Let me tell you that watching "that thing" have made me feel very sad,
        as I believed and still believe that Gnome is not the place for that
        kind of stuff, the same way that Gnome is not the place for showing
        pictures of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro or any
        kind of monsters like these ones, and the same way Gnome is not the
        place for finding any type of apology of criminal ideologies.

        I'm sorry I'm writing to all of you but first, I have not found any
        e-mail address of administrators of gnome, an second, Gnome is a
        community and as member of this community (as user and occasional bug
        reporter) I think I have the right to share this thoughts with all of

        Please, you know the whole world is driving madder and madder in these
        chaotic times of crisis, but I believe it is not so difficult to just
        have a little of dignity, common sense and decency. In my opinion that
        image of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and the like should not be part of this
        great project, Gnome. I'm not asking for any kind of censorship or
        political correctness, but just a sense of morality and respect in the
        things we do.

        The links:

        It has not been my intention to offend anyone.

        Thanks for your time and kind regards.

        God bless you.
        Antonius Iesus.
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