
Besides all the shit written in the original message, one thing is true, there's only one "political biased" background in the art.gnome site (as far as I browsed). The rest of the backgrounds cannot offend any ideological concern.

I think that backgrounds in gnome should be neutral, or "gnome biased" but never use a political icon, good or bad.

In this world is very easy to harrass someone only using a piece of cloth tinted with a bunch of colors. And molested people then to defend themselves trying to harass their suposed foes. These things should end with someone drawing parallelism between Hitler and the other side, well this time begins with, Is the fastest demonstration of the Godwin's law [0] I ever seen before.

It happens all over the world, United States flag/eagle is a sign of pride for some people, an imperialist sign for some others and an invading foe for others. The palestinian / israel conflict is another good example. Even Dalai Lama, leader of the budhist religion, one of the most peaceful religions out there, is considered an evil agitator by the chinese govern.

I think that art.gnome must remain clean of flags, political or religious heros / killers , religious signs and things like that, and also this list should be clean of political debate.

Silvina de Brum wrote:

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