In article <Pine.LNX.3.96.1021118161106.6601A-100000@gentoo>,
        Stephen Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Mon, 18 Nov 2002, Ton Hospel wrote:
>> Well, we have to do SOMETHING, there's only one prize as far as I know.
>> I agree that it's very late in the game for these changes, and I'm
>> open to alternative suggestions.
> It's a difficult question (and actually, I'm surprised we haven't faced it
> before). Just proposing a different textual tie-breaker probably won't help:
> assuming Rick & I (and any other future joint-leaders) have essentially the
> same solution, we can probably get the same score on that too.
> I thought there was also the possibility of the judges awarding a second, 
> discretionary, prize, originally for particularly ingenious solutions, but
> it might be useful here too. Is Dave around? He'll know about that.
> However, by the look of the leaderboard, we will likely have more than two
> joint leaders soon, and then that won't work either.
> Maybe we could all promise to choose thinner books for our prizes!
>> However, it's the same for both Stephen and you. So could both stephen
>> and you indicate if you have time for this ?
>> If any of you doesn't have time due to circumstances, that would be VERY
>> unfair.
> I can probably find two or three hours tomorrow evening. It doesn't feel
> enough though...

Rick has indicated in a private mail that he won't have time to work on
this anyways, so scratch the tiebreaker-tiebreaker.

For the moment we'll just have joint leaders, as many as there will be.
We'll decide what to do to distinguish them.

Whoever is the current o'reilly contact (who is that anyways ?) can ask
if there can be multiple prizes.

My current proposal in case there can't be: a 2 day minigolf at a time
that's ok for both Stephen and Rick (and any other persons that join the top)

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