On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 07:00:24PM +0100, Eugene van der Pijll wrote:
> En op 18 november 2002 sprak Yanick:
> No no no, if Benoit wants to make human sacrifices, the following
> individuals are logical choices: Rick, Stephen, Jasper, Jeff, Michael
> Rybakin, Petri, Alexey, Terje, Chris, Michael Robinson, gimbo, Michael
> Wrenn, Amir and Bass.

        Hmmm... Anyone else see there material to make a suspense/thriller
movie depicting the efforts of a detective played by Brad Pitt 
to stop the murder spree of a mad serial golfer? I even can see
the title: s6xty f4ur p.int fi5ty se7en. 

> > Joy,
> > `/anirlathotep, PGAS-man of the Refs That Should Not Be
> I hope you're enjoying yourself... some of us out here are not.

        I've been mucking around the database for almost a week now.
Enjoying myself? I'm having the time of my life! 

        (hey, you look a mite more nervous, all of sudden...)

`/anick, the Ghost in the PGAS.

When we cannot bear to be alone, it means we do not properly value 
the only companion we will have from birth to death -- ourselves. 
- Eda LeShan

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