OK, I'm ready with the archives to upload, with 2 questions before I do so (actually, only the first question is related to the upload):

1. Shall I create the mail-archive entry first and have it start auto-archiving new mail and wait until that's up and running before sending you the old archives (to make sure that there are no gaps, for instance, and so that you already have a working repository to put them in)?

2. (Not directly related to my imminent import) In a previous question I had asked about having an "index" that allowed you to jump directly to a month/year rather than scrolling page by page via "Previous" and "Next" to which you replied

No active plans around the monthly index feature request. I
can only guarantee such a thing would not happen any time
soon. Same answer for the modifying the thread index. I do
appreciate the feedback and interest and will keep in mind.

which is understandable from the standpoint of it being a new feature. However, I noticed that the "Previous/Next" links go to a page that has fixed links like https://www.mail-archive.com/tango-l@mit.edu/mail2.html, .../mail3.html, .../mail4.html, etc. (and ../thrdN.html for the thread view). So it would seem a relatively simple matter to have a fixed footer on each index page (whether by date or thread):

Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... going as far as the number of pages that exist. It would at least allow someone to one-click fast-forward to estimate a date (the current option is to realize that that's how it's structured by seeing the URL and then manually guessing at a number and editing the URL).


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