"Thanks, good to hear.
We will have another bug fix release coming out in a month or so  (2.1.1)
Where as Graffito is going away, we will still build content support into the Jetspeed 2.2 site and page components "

Good to hear.

IBM WebSphere Portal now included WCM...
BEA Portal is including some Web Content Management facility..
JBoss Portal also positions itself there theoretically...
Microsoft Sharepoint includes WCM..
It's definitively a trend...

I think the trouble here is, that this is a lot of work and that Graffito
was not at all a bad idea, no it was just too much work for the amount
of comitters at the time and therefore when the work can be splitted into
smaller compoents that can grow over the years, it should still be the
target for Jetspeed to include, collaborate or build content features in one
or the other layer..

Thanks to everybody,

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