On Mon, 14 Mar 2022 at 09:39, Roger Munford via Hampshire <
hampshire@mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:

> I was recently lucky enough to be involved in a development project in a
> remote community in Ethiopia which involved installing solar and batteries.
> Whilst we were there we visited the local school which had an "ICT"
> centre with a single PC and a further PC used by the staff. It was
> basically a large mud hut with a earth floor. Despite this the school
> had managed to get 25 students into higher education. I thought that
> they could benefit from a few raspberry pis.
> On the way back I met a German development economist who was working for
> the EU in Botswana . He said they were interested in a UK product "the
> raspberry pi".
> I promised to send him some background info about the raspberry pi and
> how it could be used in education which I know it must but haven't had
> experience myself.
> Can anybody suggest resources links that would be useful to pass on? I
> haven't started yet but can imagine somebody out there may have much
> more experience.
As you observed, they had managed to teach the students with just one PC.
The main limitations in these remote areas is POWER
Only if they have enough power, is it worth adding more screens and other
electronic equipment.
You still need a screen and keyboard to program a Raspberry Pi.

I have used a sharpened rod of iron, placed in a fire, to do soldering

Kind Regards

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