Hi Roger,

I'll give an anecdote.

The Raspberry Pi runs a hardware-tweaked version of Linux and I was surprised at just how well it performs and what's installable from the repositories.  I bought one out of curiosity then, after a machine failure, put it into my home networks as a DMZ and postfix mail host as a temporary fix.  system, load with "w" was 0 0 0, even with anti-spam running.  Oh; right; let's try anti-virus filtering, too.  Still around 0 0 0. Wow.  Later I also added a squid proxy ... system load still modest.

It stopped being a temporary fix ... it's still there.

I would suggest they get one and try it for their wanted purposes.  I think they'll be pleasantly surprised at what it can do.





In a hot climate the standard Pi may well want some heat-sinking.  I've used these cases: https://thepihut.com/collections/raspberry-pi-cases/products/aluminium-armour-heatsink-case-for-raspberry-pi-4

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