
On Mon, Mar 14 at 09:30, Roger Munford via Hampshire wrote:
> Can anybody suggest resources links that would be useful to pass on? I 
> haven't started yet but can imagine somebody out there may have much 
> more experience.

My concern with the RPi would be it's reliance on relativly modern
peripherals.  HDMI monitors may be a little difficult to come by?
USB keyboard mice etc should be easier but you might have to concider
including a USB hub.

One idea to concider is bundling RPi and a cheap projector together with
keyboard/mouse etc in a case, as proposed here[1] for use in India.
I wouldn't get too hungup on the laser cut steel case I'm sure locally
sourced alternatives could be used.

[1] https://hackaday.com/2022/02/02/a-portable-projecting-pi-for-education/

        Bob Dunlop

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