I’m sorry, but this is still not clear to me. It seems this function is meant 
to perform an operation to produce a scalar file, but what is produced when I 
use MAX for example is just a scalar file where the value for the key each 
labeled region had in the label file is not the value in that scalar file. so 
BA44 was 65, BA45 was 66, and now there are two regions with values 65 and 66.

What I am trying to do is to merge regions together into one region as a label 
file to use as a single mask. Is this possible with this function?

I’m sorry if I’m missing something here.

Thank you,

On Sep 27, 2016, at 5:57 PM, Timothy Coalson 
<tsc...@mst.edu<mailto:tsc...@mst.edu>> wrote:


It is a simple reduction across columns (by default, anyway) in the file.  For 
these kinds of files, that means it isn't reducing across space.  MAX is one of 
the options it can calculate, and for binary ROIs, that is equivalent to 
boolean OR, which is what we want.

The commands are generally written to perform small, specific actions, such 
that they could be suitable for multiple tasks.


On Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 4:49 PM, Michael F.W. Dreyfuss 
<mid2...@med.cornell.edu<mailto:mid2...@med.cornell.edu>> wrote:
How would this work with -cifti-reduce? If I have a cifti with BA44 and BA45 
for example and I want those two regions to be merged into one, how would 
-cifti-reduce do that? Wouldn’t it be more suited to calculating something 
(i.e. mean, mode, etc.) within each of those parcels?

Thank you

On Sep 27, 2016, at 5:40 PM, Timothy Coalson 
<tsc...@mst.edu<mailto:tsc...@mst.edu>> wrote:


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