A wild theory, but erhaps Valve are intentionally wanting players to slowly
lose interest in Team Fortress 2 for some reason?

On 9 December 2014 at 23:01, Robert Paulson <thepauls...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would argue that it is related to third party dedicated servers.
> The people left in charge of TF2 have been out of touch with players for a
> while and only now is it becoming more obvious. We face the brunt of these
> bad policies because we don't have a stream of new mann co store fodder
> from quickplay. A few years ago the thought of making a major patch locked
> behind an uncraftable purchase would not even have crossed their minds.
> Despite 3 major non-MvM patches, global player counts are again on their
> way to declining back to beginning of the year levels. With the amount of
> developer time spent on the game, TF2 should not be 1/5th the size of CS.
> I've seen many quality servers die out this year. Custom servers are also
> dying because new players aren't being exposed enough to the fact that
> custom servers exist.
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