since Update on DoDS no Pic more on the Minimap -.- and Network Drops

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Jesse Molina
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 12:51 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Linux server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released

Regarding the update failures, what was $?

That is, did the updater exit 0, or something else?

My auto-update script checks to make sure that I get exit 0 from steam,
or else it runs again up to four times before it gives up.  It is very
common that it runs twice.

I don't use nemrun myself, but I seem to remember his script doing a
similar exit code check and re-running the update as necessary.

If steam didn't exit 0, it didn't update.  If you don't know, then you

Just do "echo $?" immediately and only immediately after the steam
command finishes to find out the exit code.  If it's 0, that's good.  if
it's something else, re-run the update.


This isn't the best bash, but whatever.  This is a snip, may be incomplete.

  while [ /bin/true ] ; do
      ./steam -command update -game $GAME -dir ./$GAMEDIR -retry
    UPDATECOUNTER=$(( $UPDATECOUNTER + 1)) # counter increment
    echo ""
    echo "./steam update exit code was $UPDATEEXIT"
    if [ "$UPDATEEXIT" = 0 ] ; then
      echo ""
      echo "Update completed.  Please start server if desired."
      echo ""
      echo "Update did not succeed."
      if [ "$UPDATECOUNTER" -lt "5" ] ; then
        echo "Try $UPDATECOUNTER failed, will try again..."
        sleep 1
      if [ "$UPDATECOUNTER" -eq "5" ] ; then
        echo "Tried $UPDATECOUNTER times already.  Will not try again."

John Schoenick wrote:
nemrun just calls hldsupdatetool with normal options.

Your princess is in another castle.

On 12/15/2011 08:32 PM, Fletcher Dunn wrote:

The file was definitely updated in the depots. I don't know why some
people are not able to get it. You know there *is* something else that
has changed other than our update: many of you are using a new
up-to-date check script. Nothing on our end has changed with regard to
how we distribute this file. None of the Valve dedicated servers had a
problem receiving it.

It looks like there is a problem where old servers are still allowed
to be listed, if they were logged in before the update. That may be
adding to the confusion.

- Fletch

# Jesse Molina
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