On 27 Jul 2010 13:18:29 -0700, in bit.listserv.ibm-main you wrote:

>> Barbara Nitz wrote:
>>>> No, it's 64K tracks.  It is the same "per volume" limit as many other
>>>> data set types (non-extended).  But PDSes and PDSEs are also limited
>>>> to a single volume.
>>> I am surprised. I did not know about *those* limitations. And most 
>>> certainly, since they are documented, there will be no way to change 
>>> things.
>>> But: I seem to remember that PDSEs were touted as the only ones 
>>> making sense on an EAV, because of the 'extented' part of the name, 
>>> and that they could get bigger (but maybe I misunderstood). Not that 
>>> I would encourage use of such a large volume, as it is much too slow, 
>>> and I still haven't opened an ETR to address 90s (or more) until ISPF 
>>> 3.4 gives you the directory view. (Might end up on an ISPF queue, 
>>> which would require me to open a complaint due to incompetence.)
>>> PDSEs have only one advantage: They don't need to get compressed. The 
>>> rest us a huge amount of disadvantages.
>>> Regards, Barbara
>> Well, they do have at least one other advantage: they can store
>> program objects, which allows entry points with long, case-sensitive
>> names, which is sometimes handy.
>Steve, I'm incredibly happy you said "SOMETIMES", because I've lived 
>with 8-character PDS member names for 40+ years and never could think of 
>a really severe need for the variations you suggest.  :-)

Given the obscure program names, proc names and member names we have
due to the 8 character limitation, I for one would have liked names to
be at least 16 characters.  In fact I still would and the 8 byte
limitation must seem weird and out of date to someone coming from a
UNIX or Windows environment.

Clark Morris

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