In <>, on 08/07/2011
   at 08:35 PM, CM Poncelet <> said:

>But you seem to be saying that, unless I can cite from your book the 
>chapter and verse that supports my argument, my argument is false.

No, neither I nor the others have said that. What we said was that you
were wrong, period, and that in the case of software it is the
documentation that determines how things are supposed to work. The
fact that you were also wrong about how it actually works was gravy.

>As far as credibility is concerned, do you remember saying that my 
>proof that 0.999...<recurring ad infinitum> is equal to 1 was false
>-  and that, when I pointed out that this was not my proof but that
>taught by my university, you said my university was wrong (or words
>to that effect)?

No, but it's common for the mathematically naĆ­ve to make errors when
attempting to construct a proof.

>The University of Liverpool is renowned worldwide as a leading
>authority in mathematics.

Sturgeon's law.
     Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
     ISO position; see <> 
We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
(S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)

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