At 18:26 -0600 on 01/09/2012, Paul Gilmartin wrote about Re: Error apply ZAP:

 >RESTORE itself is BAD (Broken As Designed) since it removes SYSMODs
that are not the SYSMOD being designated as being RESTORED. Instead
of using ONLY the elements that are in the SYSMOD being RESTOREd (by
using the copies that this SYSMOD replaced) it can remove additional
SYSMODs (requiring a follow-up APPLY of the erroneously removed
SYSMODs). After a RESTORE, I should be in the same state as I would
be if I had not APPLY'ed the SYSMOD in the first place. Instead I can
end up with other SYSMODs removed since the elements that were
replaced by the SYSMOD were in another SYSMOD along with other
elements NOT in the SYSMOD being RESTOREd. A RESTORE should be an
APPLY of ONLY the elements that are in that SYSMOD even though there
were other elements in the SYSMOD you are getting them from.

And here, I half strongly disagree with SMP/E; half agree.

If the PTF being RESTOREd is a PRErequisite of subsequent APPLYed
PTFs, it's a logical necessity that those should be RESTOREd also.
(I don't know that this is automated.)

In your case you have PTF1 with Elements A and B and PTF2 that PREs PTF1 which replaces PTF1's Element A. If you RESTORE PTF1 you must also have SMPE RESTORE PTF2 since you need to all back to the version of Element A that PTF1 replaced. I do not remember if this addition of a PTF that PRE'ed the PTF being RESTORE'd will be automatic or not

My issue is with the reverse case where you are RESTORE'ing PTF2. Right now this will ALSO restore PTF1 (and thus back out Element B from PTF1) and possibly other PTFs that PTF1 PREs. To back out PTF2 ALL that is needed is to select Element A from PTF1 and ignore PTF1's Element B (since B is at PTF1 level even after PTF2 is APPLY'ed and thus there is no need to remove it to remove the PTF2 level of Element A).

The way it works currently, RESTORE'ing PTF2, RESTOREs PTF1 which triggers getting A and B from whoever PTF1 PRE'ed (who owned A and B before PTF1 was APPLY'ed). If that PTF contained any element other than A and B, IT gets added to the list of PTFs that will get RESTORE'ed. This backtracking continues until you find a set of PTFs in the PRE/SUP chain that contains all the Elements (and only them) that is being backed out - These copies of the elements are what are used.

EVEN WORSE -The only elements that are eligible to be used are from ACCEPT'ed PTFs not these that are only in APPLY status. RESTORE thus removes good PTFs in APPLY status since it removes all PTFs that replaced the ACCEPT'ed levels of the elements being backed out. Thus if PTF1 SUP'ed PTF0 (which only contained A and B), PTF0 would be added to the list to be restored unless it was already in ACCEPT status.

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