PHP_Archive-based phar archives will no longer work once
allow_url_include is off and user streams wrappers are marked as remote.
 So, it won't work with 100% of new installations in future PHP versions.

I guess we are solving the wrong problem. We have:
1. phar needs script-defined named streams
2. Named streams are prohibited by some config option
3. Let's pretend this stream is not actually what it is
4. Let's create whole new extension for that and put it into main PHP

I think this process is wrong. If we have problem with names streams usage in apps, we should seek solutions there, not invent modules just to work around the problem we ourselves create. What happens we need next application using named streams? Another extension into main PHP source whose purpose is to duplicate PHP code and work around our own security model?
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Products Engineer

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