On Mon, Jun 23, 2008 at 2:54 PM, Milan Babuskov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:
>> if nobody with C hacking skills is feeling sufficient pain over this, the
>> assumption is that the pool of users is too small or the pain is too small.
> Hi,
> sorry for such late reply, but I just joined this group. I'm very interested
> in Firebird's future in PHP and I have C skills. However, to answer your
> assumption: the pain is too small.

How should we understand that? Too small to actually take care of it?

With the risk to repeat myself, the goal is to have a long term
working extension with maintainer(s). An extension without
maintainers, especially DB related extensions (or service specific
extension) will slowly die within a couple of years if nothing is

Let forget PDO for now, that's not the point (even if a working
firebird support for PDO would rock).


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