Rob Richards wrote:
Moving this to the windows list.

I'm having problems to post on it. Care to forward?

Make sure you are using the Visual Studio command prompt as it will setup your env for you (all the paths, etc...).

I am. As I wrote, I can compile wxWidgets and FlameRobin without any problems. Maybe I was not clear enough:

When I run nmake, it has a line that starts with "" instead of some command name. Looking at the configure.js script, it seems that it cannot find something called mc.exe on my system (no wonder since I don't have it

I do not have mc.exe on my system. I did search on the hard disk to make sure.

I managed to learn little about mc.exe using Google. It's some kind of Message Compiler by Microsoft. Any idea what do I need to install to get mc.exe?

This is the question I'd really like to have an answer to. Not some 'usual' answer from the FAQ. Is the person that wrote/maintains configure.js script available for contact on this list?

It may seem that MSVC install is broken, but I can build wxWidgets and FlameRobin with it without any problems. I have MSVC 9 Express Edition.


Milan Babuskov

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