> -----Original Message-----
> From: Derick Rethans [mailto:der...@php.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 9:05 AM
> To: PHP Developers Mailing List
> Subject: [PHP-DEV] trunk is alive and open
> Hello,
> I've just created trunk for 5.3 again. I've set the version to
5.3.99-dev as to
> explicitly not decide on whether there will be 5.4 or
> 6.0 next.
> New features should go to trunk; but anything other then trivial
> should require an RFC and discussion. I think Antony has the FPM RFC
> to show what sort of stuff would be useful to have. I'll let Antony
start a
> thread to discuss it (although I doubt there needs to be a lot of
discussion for
> it).
> I think Ilia mentioned that he wanted to do one more normal 5.2
> after which it will be "security fix only". So for now my suggestion
would be:
> - new features to to trunk
> - bug fixes go to 5.2 and 5.3.
> Let's see what cool stuff we can come up with for the next version!

What about defining a release manager for the next release? I think that
is an important aspect of moving things forward. I also thought the dual
RM in PHP 5.3 worked quite well although it is not necessarily a must. 
I do think we want to avoid ending up with another stale trunk. As I
mentioned in my previous note it's important to have a reasonable scope
for the next upcoming major (5.4/6.0) release and make sure we do have
the right amount of discussions re: new functionality committed. So I do
propose that in the coming weeks (as 80% of the ideas surface) the RMs
create a roadmap for the next version which clearly identifies the
must-haves and should-haves. This can always be changed/tweaked (as we
always have in the past) but it sets the tone for pushing out
functionality sooner rather than later (i.e. if a should-have is still
not quite fully baked but all must-haves are done then ship). 

As we saw with PHP 5.3 it ended up being a pretty major version and it
delivers a lot of incremental value. So it was good it didn't wait for
every single idea.


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