At 12:08 24/03/2010, Pierre Joye wrote:
> Yeah, lets get that clarified. Derick has stepped up and seems quite committed and nobody seemed to oppose him RMing the next release. In case he feels he needs support he can propose a co-RM, after all its important that the two RM's know and trust each other well so that they can speak with a consistent voice.

As I think it is still a bit early to design RMs, I am still in favour
of David and you. Or David and someone else with good communication
skills. You suggested Chris and I think he could do a great job. My
only worry is his time availability. But I'm definitively not in
favour of Derick, he has been a RM already, let give newer people a

FWIW I too want to see you co-RMing. I think you being there, alongside someone else can bring great balance to the release.


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