
On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 11:02 AM, Lukas Kahwe Smith <m...@pooteeweet.org> wrote:
> On 23.03.2010, at 23:04, Andi Gutmans wrote:
>> What about defining a release manager for the next release? I think that
>> is an important aspect of moving things forward. I also thought the dual
>> RM in PHP 5.3 worked quite well although it is not necessarily a must.
> Yeah, lets get that clarified. Derick has stepped up and seems quite 
> committed and nobody seemed to oppose him RMing the next release. In case he 
> feels he needs support he can propose a co-RM, after all its important that 
> the two RM's know and trust each other well so that they can speak with a 
> consistent voice.

As I think it is still a bit early to design RMs, I am still in favour
of David and you. Or David and someone else with good communication
skills. You suggested Chris and I think he could do a great job. My
only worry is his time availability. But I'm definitively not in
favour of Derick, he has been a RM already, let give newer people a


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