On 27.03.2010 13:13, Ferenc Kovacs wrote:
> I like the way how the debian guys elect the project leader:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debian#Project_organization
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Debian-organigram.png
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schulze_method

while I do agree that they have a decent model there, I think this would
be very hard to implement in PHP, even when ignoring the technical hurdles.

The core differences I'm seeing here is:

- DPL (Debian Project Leader) != PHP RM (Release Manager)
  It's actually not even remotely comparable.
- It's for one year and also a somewhat representative role.
  I've not seen many RMs stand out to the public as "representatives",
  but that's absolutely ok. It's mostly a technical position.
- Debian has a decently high entry hurdle, before you're going to be a
  DD (Debian Developer) there's a lot of work and especially a lot of
  time involved. In PHP we've much more often have people pop out of
  nowhere, do a ton of work and vanish again.
- Much in the Debian process is based on your "trusted @debian.org GPG
  key" - that's also used for any election talk and voting  - afaik.
  OK, we got SVN accounts, that'd probably be a reasonable voting
- Although there are a lot more people involved in Debian than in PHP
  (at least that's my impression) I think the people inside the PHP
  project reading and deciding here is much smaller. To me this doesn't
  look as a "everyone with a @php.net email address==svn account can
  vote" would be anywhere close to the decisions ever made.

I don't see many paralles to even start a decent comparison, PHP simply
does not have this level of democracy where someone contributing some
translated pages has the same vote as someone having been RM and doing
core work for years.


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