Sebastian Krebs wrote:
    Clint Priest wrote:

        There seems to be a lot of userland support for this proposal from
        people who
        don't have voting rights.

    And what about the userland people who don't want the additional complexity
    who don't have voting rights?

Don't use it. Regarding your other mails you are stuck with 5.2 anyway ;)

No I'm committed now to converting everything to PHP5.4 which given the amount of work involved is going to take a couple of years, but does not give any 'improvement' to the resulting projects. Just as the latest changes will only mean that we need to maintain PHP5.4 versions of libraries to prevent creep if these developments into those libraries. 'Don't use it' is simply not an acceptable argument when things added in one version become more integrated in the next as has happened between php5.2->3->4 and now 5.5 will take this even further. We NEED to nail down a clean base before changing the rules yet again ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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