On 02.10.2013, at 15:12, Leigh <lei...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2 October 2013 08:31, Michael Wallner <m...@php.net> wrote:
>> I had it, but I'm not sure $_BODY fits either, because it should be an
>> array. Currently only form data fits the purpose of de-serialisation
>> of a request body.
> Not so sure about that. I don't think there is a rule that says a body
> _has_ to be in query string name=value format, or that multipart
> elements _have_ to have a name=something attribute. I could quite
> easily imagine PUT requests containing a textual body without an
> associated field name (the URI would contain the field name).
> (correct me if I'm wrong)

In these cases, Content-type of body would different.
And proposal mentions that interpretation should happen strictly basing on the 
content type

Alexey Zakhlestin
CTO at Grids.by/you
PGP key: http://indeyets.ru/alexey.zakhlestin.pgp.asc

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