Patrick Schaaf in php.internals (Mon, 15 Dec 2014 21:36:33 +0100):
>Now with PHP 7 promising potential for incompatibilities in a lot more
>areas, it would be, to us, a really useful option to have a 5.7 that is
>operationally fully compatible with 5.6 with added E_DEPRECATED for things
>bound to break. With that we could A) rub the developers' noses in the
>relevant deprecation messages for a while, _and_ run one or more rounds of
>one-of-the-production -server tests, gathering more deprecation messages
>there without fear of user visible effects.

I fully agree with you. Not only for migrating our own code a version
with deprecation warnings would be helpful. But I think that such a
version would also be a big help for migrating frameworks like Drupal
ans Wordpress. If you want a move to PHP7 you have to make their
migration path smooth.


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