On Dec 13, 2014 2:19 PM, "Zeev Suraski" <z...@zend.com> wrote:

> Levi, Andrea, Adam, and others that suggested we can do 5.7 in parallel
> while sticking to the 7.0 timeline:
> 1.  I was replying to Julien.  Julien said in at least 3 different places
> his email that if we do 5.7, we'll clearly not be doing 7.0 in 2015 and it
> will clearly mean delaying 7.0 by a year.  If you disagree, you should be
> replying to and discussing with him, not me.

This is a public mailing list, for open discussions. You replied to
arguments, so we do. It brings pros and cons  to a debate you delibatery
killed with your incomplete rfc, breaking rules again while being at it.

>  Perhaps Julien and you have
> different ideas about what 5.7 is;  Even though it's not explicitly
> mentioned in his email, it certainly sounds that in his mind, 5.7 is just
> much of a release as 5.6 or 5.5 were.

Not necessarily and this is what we are discussing here.

> 3.  Last (and probably least) - a 5.7 that breaks compatibility is
> inconsistent with our version strategy, that suggests 5.7 should be fully
> compatible with 5.6.

It won't if we do it right.

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