> So the main question is : *What version will we release next year ?*

We've already answered that question, as per the PHP 7 timeline RFC, we're
aiming to release PHP 7 in 2015.  Sure, given the aggressive timeline
there's the possibility that we won't be able to make it on time, but that's
our goal.

> If not : we'll happen having 3 active versions (5.6 , 5.7 and 7.0) and one
> sec-
> fix only (5.5) , *this is something we don't want* , because we have the
> feeling that it is too much pain to maintain so many versions alive.

It's worse than that.  Since the PHP 7 timeline was already approved and
must be a working assumption, introducing a 1yr delay for 5.7 is out of the
question.  That means that working on PHP 5.7 would require us to work on
two upcoming content releases (with new features and substantial changes)
simultaneously, which IIRC is both unprecedented and a bad idea given our
limited resources.  In my opinion, we should definitely focus all of our
resources and bandwidth on getting 7.0 out the door.  7.0 is strategic.  5.7
is tactical.

> - If we go for 7.0 :
> I wouldn't mind delaying its release to November(2015) if needed, its a
> major, extra care should be taken. However, not later : our release
> process
> status for 2 years of active life , if 7.0 were to be released in 2016,
> then we'd
> have 5.5 lasting for much more than 2 years active.

Per the timeline RFC we're already looking at a mid-October timeframe for
GA, but it actually does make provisions for delaying it - high quality is
more important than the timeline - although we should absolutely strive to
meet the milestones in the RFC.

> - If we go for 5.7 :
> We could release it this summer (2015) , but that would mean that 7.0
> wouldn't come before summer 2016.
> Releasing a 5.7 will lean the release cycle curve, but it is not
> mandatory, that
> should be debatted.

A 5.7 that pushes 7.0 into Summer 2016 is IMHO a strategic mistake, but
regardless I think the discussion is moot.  We've already decided we're
aiming for a 2015 PHP 7.0 release, and should stick to that plan.


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