
On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 12:16 AM, Anatol Belski <anatol....@belski.net> wrote:
>>>> Mcrypt might be dead, but removing it would be a huge BC break. There
>>>>  was some talk of binding mcrypt_*() functions to ext/openssl - I'd
>>>> suggest that instead of removal.
>>> that sounds plausible, but the same one could say about mapping to be
>>> removed regex to pcre. If anything of that is going to be happening, so
>>> I
>>> would welcome another RFC and implementation.
>> Not quite ... ereg has been deprecated since PHP 5.3, while mcrypt was
>> never deprecated and is extremely wide-spread in PHP code (that does
>> encryption) today.
> yeah, looking at the openssl you've mentioned, and which was vulnerable to
> any possible attacks last years, and has fixed those ... Asking myself,
> how a library which wasn't updated since like eight years does feel :) Can
> it still provide that really secure encryption? And should one provide
> something like that as a secure solution?
> Comparing with regex I meant, one could provide a replacing API. Just
> where with regex it's more like functionality breach (whereby security as
> well, as that lib wasn't revisited maybe for much longer than mcrypt),
> with mcrypt it's a security weakness we would still try to sell for safe.

Well, obviously mcrypt *has* to go away at some point - there's no
doubt about it.

I'm just saying it would be a massive BC break if that happens with no
prior deprecation. If somebody has the motivation to make the userland
API bind to ext/openssl under the hood, that's just a bonus in at
least depending on maintained code.


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