The world's largest online auction site eBay has been targeted by
fraudsters using a shadow site to steal credit card details from its 55
million customers.
Haha.  No doubt, this story will be published in all the media,
internet, print, radio and TV as another case of "identity theft",
to misdirect consumer rage against the perps instead of banks.

Who are the Identity thieves when we, the customers, are
denied any technology in which we would create and maintain
our own keypairs?  Why is all Identity issued from the top
down, maintained on central databases, when people are
sovereign and autonomous creatures in nature?  Banks have
stolen our Identities, and aggregated our reputations and
credit as their own.

Individuals should be provided with signing devices immediately,
without further delay. People who have lifetimes of good behavior
and honoring their promises will race to use the studly things,
reaching unheard of lower prices and better terms of trade.

Losers will remain with cash, checking and credit cards creating
a death spiral of higher costs for the Identity thieves (the banks).


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