> >Provided by whom?  Banks?  Governments?
> Walmart  :-)  Taiwan could produce the device in 2 weeks shit,
> there are probably designs sitting on the shelf already.

So cardholders will have to buy these devices to protect themselves and
merchants and banks will have to upgrade their machines to accept signatures
from these devices.

I seriously doubt cardholders will go out and buy these devices even if it
is only a buck (I suspect they won't feel too secure if the price is too
low).  They will all rush out and buy things like Pet Rocks and Rubik's
Cube, but they are not likely to buy something to avoid a non-immediate

> Actually I am amazed no bank or credit card has broken
> ranks to sell signing devices.  The American Express Blue
> card for example gets you halfway there, if you wrap a
> screen and keyboard around it, with an IRDA port.  But
> surely it is impossible for strong Identity to ever arise
> from a payment metaphor requiring me to keypunch
> my PIN in the terminals of  sleazy restaurants and retail outlets.

That is because they are not in the business of selling products nor
supporting anything that can't be explained in a little handy brochure.
It's probably easier to teach fish to drink water (?!?).


Don Park

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