there have always been lots of problems with shared-secrets in general ...
and especially things that aren't necessarily all that secret ... but easy
for people to remember. the aads activity

has always been about being able to substitute non-shared-secret paradigm
for shared-secret paradigm as method of authentication. the above url has
lots of references of such a paradigm ... including a hardware token

in a larger sense .... this falls into the taxonomy of general
skimming/harvesting which in one form or another affects a lot of the
payment card industry.

some past fraud related postings

a related but different harvesting technique ... also addressed by a
non-shared-secret paradigm; aka most shaerd-secret exploits can be
addressed by migrating to a non-shared-secret paradigm security proportional to risk

and only somewhat related ... my merged security taxonomy & glossary

description of the sources:

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