note that the aads chip strawman (instantiated as

has definitions that supports signing all financail transactions ... aka
part of the task given the x9a10 working group for x9.59 payment standard
was all retail payments (not just internet, not just face-to-face, not just
pos, not just non-face-to-face, not just credit, not just debit, not just
stored-value, ... but ALL) ...

and also piloted in the NACHA debit network trial .... pointer at:

basically some amount of AADS has focused on standards support for
FIPS186-2, ecdsa/x9.62 digital signature standard as means of
authentication ... and the aads chip strawman basically focused on just
doing FIPS186-2, ecdsa/x9.62 digital signing. Note that the standards
activity of having FIPS182-2, ecdsa/x9.62 digital signature standard as
means of authentication doesn't mandate that it be done with a hardware
token. the protocol specification of FIPS186-2/x9.62 authentication is
independent of the environment that performs the signing. The issue of
whether it is some PC software, or PDA software, or hardware and/or what
kind of hardware token is an integrity and business issue. The protocol
part can be common to all implementations ... and the end-point
implementation then is purely a business & integrity issue (one factor
authentication, two factor authentication, three factor authentication,
and/or integrity level of the components).

The other part is that possibly over 90 plus percent of the
internet-related authentication events occur with RADIUS ... aka majority
of the isps internets & corporate internets. aads enhanced radius has been
demo'ed a number of times .... misc. discussions
and pointer to demo at

Another major authentication process that goes on in the world today is the
kerberos based stuff supported by most of the operating system platforms
(and not solely internet). the original kerberos standard has been
shared-secret based ... however there is a draft standard to extend it to
include public key based authentication that includes both
certificate-based public key as well as certificate-less (aka AADS) based
public key

other discussions of upgraded the current certificate-based SSL public key
infrastructure to certificate-less based infrastructure:

basically, any shared-secret, pin/password based infrastructure can be
upgraded by using the same business process ... but with a public key,
non-shared-secret based paradigm (and can all be supported by a single
asuretee hardware token).

for more information on kerberos & radius authentication standards ... go

and under "RFCs listted by" select "Term (term->RFC#)"

from there, it is possible to select RADIUS from the acronym fastpath ....

remote authentication dial in user service (RADIUS )
see also authentication , network access server , network services
3162 2882 2869 2868 2867 2866 2865 2809 2621 2620 2619 2618 2548 2139 2138
2059 2058

or scroll to kerberos ... aka
see also authentication , security
3244 3129 2942 2712 2623 1964 1510 1411

[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/14/2002 9:53 am wrote:

Those signing devices you refer to should not be limited to ecom.  Face to
face transaction need something similar.  "Who is this person checking my
signature and what qualification do they have?" I ask this question every
time, especially this time of year after the fear mongering of the
Associations to encourage checking of cards .  We should not limit
to one medium this creates differences in our payment habits and further
confuses the masses, lemmings that they are.  To find a secure solution
does not bridge multiple mediums will go the path of SET.

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