Hi Prateek Dujari,

Here's the2nd tutorial.

From: Jim
Good evening Jaws Users list. I hope you learn from this text tutorial about
using iTunes 12 with Jaws 18. Please let me know what you think!

Using iTunes 12 with Jaws 18.

This is a text tutorial, provided freely by The W-10 and Jaws group.

*All these text Tutorials are the property of the Windows 10 and Jaws Yahoo
group, anyone can freely distribute all these free text Tutorials to all
interested Blind computer users all over the world.

*All the members of the W-10 and Jaws group, may also freely share all my
audio tutorials with everyone.

*I only ask that they give the W-10 and Jaws group, the credit for all the
audio and text tutorials that they may freely share with anyone else around
the world.

**Press ALT+V, moves you to the View Tab in iTunes.

**After pressing ALT+V, you will see the following items.

*Tip, we need to go to the Column Browser sub menu first.

So Down arrow past the following items, on your way to the Column Browser
sub menu.

Media Kind sub menu.

All Music checked.

Only Downloaded Music.

Sort By sub menu.

Show View Options Ctrl+J.

**Column Browser sub menu, press the Right arrow key one time.

If you hear, Show Column Browser, press Enter.

*Tip, you will need to press ALT+V, again, Arrow down and Right arrow back
inside the Column Browser sub menu.

**Make sure you have the four items checked below, these four items have a *
before them.

*Tip, Each time you press the Enter key, to check one of these items, you
will need to press ALT+V, to go back inside the View tab, and go back to
where you were.

Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.


*Artists checked.

*Albums checked.



*Group Compilations checked.

*Use Album Artists checked.

Hide Column Browser Ctrl+Shift+B.

**Press the left arrow, from inside the Column Browser sub menu.

**You will hear, Column Browser sub menu.

**Now continue to Arrow down, you will hear the following items.

Show Up Next Ctrl+Shift+U.

Show Status Bar Ctrl+/.

Hide Sidebar Ctrl+S.

sideo Playback Unavailable sub menu.

Visualizer sub menu.

Full Screen Ctrl+Shift+F Unavailable.

Show MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+1.

Show Equalizer Ctrl+Shift+2.

Show Activity Window Ctrl+Shift+3.

Switch to MiniPlayer Ctrl+Shift+M.

Media Kind sub menu.

*Tip, you have now wrapped back to the top of the view tab.

**Pressing the Right arrow, and pressing the down arrow as you go through
the Media Kind sub menu, you will see the following items.

*Tip, each item has a Control+Number row shortcut, to switch directly to
that item.

**For example, for this lesson right now, I have Music checked.

Music Ctrl+1 checked.

Movies Ctrl+2.

TV Shows Ctrl+3.

Podcasts Ctrl+4.

iTunes U Ctrl+5.

Audiobooks Ctrl+6.

Apps Ctrl+7.

Tones Ctrl+8.

Internet Radio Ctrl+9.

*Tip, the three I use the most are:

**Control+1, for Music.

**Control+4, for Podcasts.

**Control+9, for Internet radio.

*Reminder, If you are in Music, press Control+9 on the number row, you will
open and be placed in the Internet radio treeview list.

**Right arrow opens a Music category, Left arrow closes it.

**More about Internet radio later.

*Tip, in this lesson I will use the Search edit box, as the central place to
show you how to, navigate through iTunes 12 with Jaws.

**We will use the F6, key quite a bit in navigating iTunes 12 with Jaws.

**Press the F6 key, several times until you hear Search edit.

**Press the F6 key, one more time from the Search edit box, you will land
on, Library Sidebar Tree view, mine is set to Songs.

For example, press F6 until you hear, Search Edit Type in text.

**Press F6 one more time, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5
of 20.

**Now press the Home key, takes you to the top of the list.

As you press the Down arrow key, you will hear the following items.

**Pressing Insert+Up arrow, Jaws will say, Recently Added, this incorrectly
says, 2 of 20, this is the first item.

On my computer, there are 16 items in the list, ignore the numbers.

Library Sidebar Tree view Artists 3 of 20

Albums, Sidebar Tree view, 4 of 20.

Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20

Library Sidebar Tree view Genres 6 of 20




90's Music

Classical Music

My Top Rated

Recently Played

Top 25 Most Played

*Tip, the next three with a * before them, are my created playlist.

*Chill out


*Work out

*Tip, first letter navigation does work in this list.

**Quickly type S,O, You will land on Songs, this is what you want set here
for now.

**For example, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Songs 5 of 20.

**Press F6 again, you will hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Library, leave
this set to library.

**Press F6 again, you will hear list box.

*Tip, to make Jaws read correctly, press the Down arrow key, then press the
Up arrow key, you will correctly hear.

All (388 Artists), shows up in my iTunes list.

**So we are at the top of the artist list, this is where iTunes 12 will
open, after making all the changes above.

>From the top of the artist list, if you tab one time, you will be at the top
of the Albums list.

Press the Up and Down arrow to get Jaws to correctly read, in my iTunes on
my computer it says, all 607 albums.

Now if you Tab again from the top of the Albums list, you will be on the
songs list.

Press the Down arrow to highlight the first song, you must always do this
when in any song list.

Press Insert+Up arrow, on the first song, on my computer, it says, List box
1 of 18788.

Now press Shift+Tab two times, this will take you back to the Artist list.

*Tip, in the Artist list, when you press the down arrow, or use first letter
navigation, you will change what is in the Album list and the songs list.

Also when using first letter navigation, you need to press the Down and then
Up arrow, to get Jaws to read the first Artist you are currently sitting on.

You can then keep pressing the Down arrow, to hear all the artist as you go
down the list.

**Now from the top of the Artist list, press the Down arrow one time to

**Press the Down arrow key, you will hear, Compilations.

**Now Tab one time, the Albums list will now only read all your Compilations
of Albums.

**For example: My computer says, All (105 Albums).

**What are Compilations?

**Compilations are collections of music by one artist or more.

**For example, on my computer.

I have any where from 30 to over 500 songs in the 105 Compilations Albums on
my computer.

**For example, If I Tab one time from All (105 Albums). I will hear:

Melodia, Time 6:00, The A R Club, Album Best Chillout & Lounge Music 2014 -
200 Songs, Genre Lounge, not loved, 1 of 9662.

**Now press Shift+Tab, two times to go back to the artist list.

*Tip, press the Down and then Up arrow, you will hear, Compilations, right
where you were before Tabbing two times to the Songs list.

*Tip, last reminder, always press the Down and then the Up arrow to get Jaws
to read the current highlighted Artist or Album correctly.

*Tip, always press the Down arrow key one time, from the top of any Song
list to highlight the first track in an Album list.

**Press Enter to play any song, Podcast, or internet radio station, press
the Spacebar to pause/resume any song, Podcast, or Internet radio station.

**Going back to where we were, from Compilations, press the letters A,L,

On my computer, I land on the Artist Alabama, If I Down arrow one time, I
will land on the Artis Alan Jackson.

Now with Alan Jackson highlighted, if I Tab one time, I will hear, All 18
Albums, remember use the Down/Up arrow keys.

If I Tab from all 18 Albums, I will hear the following:

You Can Always Come Home, Time 5:13, Alan Jackson, Album Angels and Alcohol,
Genre Country, not loved, 1 of 223.

*Tip, remember to press the Down arrow key, to highlight, You Can Always
Come Home, press Enter to play, press the Spacebar to pause/resume play.

**Now press Shift+Tab, one time, takes you back to the Album list for Alan

**I am going to press the Down arrow key, and highlight the Album, Freight
Train, I will Tab one time.

As I Down arrow through the Album list, you will hear:

Angels and Alcohol


Everything I Love

Freight Train, I will now Tab one time, you will hear:

MultiSelect ListBox Not Selected Hard Hat and a Hammer, Time 2:49, Alan
Jackson, Album Freight Train, Genre Country, not loved, 1 of 12

*Tip, it says, not selected, press the Down arrow, to select.

**For example, if I begin to press the Down arrow, through the song list for
this Album, I will hear the following:

Hard Hat and a Hammer, Time 2:49, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train, Genre
Country, not loved

Every Now and Then, Time 3:47, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train, Genre
Country, not loved

After 17, Time 3:51, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train, Genre Country, not

It's Just That Way, Time 3:25, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train, Genre
Country, not loved

Freight Train, Time 4:39, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train, Genre Country,
not loved

Taillights Blue, Time 3:46, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train, Genre
Country, not loved

I Could Get Used to This Lovin' Thing, Time 3:20, Alan Jackson, Album
Freight Train, Genre Country, not loved

Till the End (with Lee Ann Womack), Time 3:03, Alan Jackson, Album Freight
Train, Genre Country, not loved

That's Where I Belong, Time 3:50, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train, Genre
Country, not loved

Big Green Eyes, Time 3:30, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train, Genre Country,
not loved

True Love Is a Golden Ring, Time 3:34, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train,
Genre Country, not loved

The Best Keeps Getting Better, Time 3:44, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train,
Genre Country, not loved

**So as you can see, what you select or highlight, in the Artist list, will
change what is listed in the Albums list, and what is listed in the Songs

So it just takes some practice of highlighting and Selecting an Artist, and
tabbing one time to the Album list, Selecting an Album, tabbing one time to
the Songs list, and press the Down arrow to select the first Song.

**Making  and adding to a playlist.

**For example, I will highlight the following song by Alan Jackson:

Taillights Blue, Time 3:46, Alan Jackson, Album Freight Train, Genre
Country, not loved, 6 of 12

I will press the Applications key, on the highlighted song.

I hear, Context Menu, as I Down arrow, I will hear.

Play "Taillights Blue".

Play Next.

Add to Playlist sub menu, I will press the Right arrow.

The first item, is make a new Playlist, it just says, New Playlist.

If I press Enter on New playlist.

I am in the Name edit box for New playlist, type the name for this New
playlist, Press Enter.

The New playlist is automatically created for you, your song is the first
item in this new playlist.

*Tip, when making a new playlist, you are taken directly to this new

**How do I get back to my Artist list from a new playlist, that I have

Either press Shift+F6 two times, or Press the F6 key until you hear, Search
edit box.

>From the Search edit box, press the F6 key one time.

If you pressed Shift+F6 two times, from your playlist of Songs, you will
already be in the Library sidebar, treeview.

*tip, you are sitting on your new playlist.

**Now press S,O, very quickly, you will land on Songs, in the sidebar
library treeview, most of the time, this is where you want it to be.

Press the F6 key two times, to go back to your Artist list.

**Now going back to where we were.

I have selected, Taillights Blue, Time 3:46, Alan Jackson, Album Freight
Train, Genre Country, not loved, 6 of 12

I will press the Applications key, on this highlighted song.

I will press the Down arrow to, Add to Playlist sub menu, I will press the
Right arrow.

The first item in the sub menu is, New playlist.

The next three items in the sub menu, are my created playlist.

*Chill out, C.

*Saxophone, S.

*Work out, W.

So if I press the Enter key on any of these created playlist, Chillout,
Saxophone, or Workout, the selected Song is added to that playlist.

*Tip, Adding to an existing playlist, you remain in the Album list of the
highlighted Song, you just added to one of your created playlist.

*Tip, you can continue to add to whatever created playlist you wish to ad

**How do I find my created playlist.

**Press the F6 key until you hear, Search edit.

Press the F6 key, one more time, you will land on the, Library sidebar,

Now just press the first two letters of your playlist, quickly.

In my case, I will press C,H, for Chillout.

After my  Chillout playlist is selected, I will press the F6 key two times.

I will land at the top of that playlist.

Use your Down and Up arrow keys to highlight and select a song in your

Press Enter on the first item, iTunes will play your whole playlist, if you
do not press the Spacebar to stop.

Remember, pressing Enter will start playing any item from the beginning,
press the Spacebar, to pause/resume playing any item.

This is the same for music, podcasts, and the internet radio station.

**How do I set the Library sidebar, treeview, back to Songs?

**Press the F6 key until you hear, Search edit.

Press the F6 key, one more time, you will land on the, Library sidebar,

Press the two letters, S, O, very quickly.

You will land on, Songs, press the F6 key, two times to go to the Artist

**How do I go from Music, to Internet radio in iTunes 12?

**Press Control+9, on the numbers row.

You will land in a simple treeview, with 25 categories.

**Press the Right and left arrow keys to open or close a category, use the
Down arrow key to select a station, press Enter to play the selected

**Press the Spacebar to Pause/resume play, of the selected station.

**What will I hear in the internet radio, after pressing Control+9?

Tree view Adult Contemporary closed

Now just keep pressing your Down arrow key, and you will hear the following

Alternative Rock closed

Ambient closed

Blues closed

Classic Rock closed

Classical closed

College/University closed

Comedy closed

Country closed

Eclectic closed

Electronica closed

Golden Oldies closed

Hard Rock / Metal closed

Hip Hop / Rap closed

International / World closed

Jazz closed

News / Talk Radio closed

Reggae / Island closed

Religious closed

RnB / Soul closed

Sports Radio closed

Top 40 / Pop closed

'70s Retro closed

'80s Flashback closed

'90s Hits closed.

**How do I get to the Podcasts, that I have subscribed to in iTunes?

**Press Control+4, on the numbers row.

**On my computer, I hear, Library Sidebar Tree view Podcasts, 2 of 9

I land in the last podcast I listened to, at the top of the list of new
podcasts, episodes Tree view.

Remember the first item is not selected for you, press the Down arrow to
select the first new podcasts, this is what I hear.

This is what I hear, episodes Tree view The King Has One More Move, A new
MP3 sermon from Evangelistic Outreach Ministries is now available on
SermonAudio.com with the following details.

Title: The King Has One More Move.

Speaker: C T Townsend.

Broadcaster: Evangelistic Outreach Ministries.

Event: Sunday - PM.

Date: 2/8/2017.

Bible: 2 Kings 6:8-16.

Length: 36 min. (32kbps).

Overview: A unique and anointed sermon from CT Townsend. Just when you think
you are defeated and satan has you in check mate. The King has one more
move-, , 37 minutes, 2 of 7.

*Tip, I have my podcasts showing in a list view.

So because of this, I can just press Shift+F6, two times to go to my list of
all my podcasts.

I will hear the following:

Evangelistic Outreach Ministries header Evangelistic Outreach Ministries.

podcasts List box Play "Evangelistic Outreach Ministries", Evangelistic
Outreach Ministries, alert, 5 unplayed, February 8, 2017, 1 of 3.

I will press the Down arrow key one time, and I will hear:

Play "Science, Scripture, & Salvation", Science, Scripture, & Salvation, 11
unplayed, January 31, 2017.

Again I will press the Down arrow key one time.

Play "Freedom Scientific FSCast", Freedom Scientific FSCast, 1 unplayed,
February 21, 2017.

Now here in the list of all my podcasts, after I select one of them, I press
the F6 key two times to go to the list of podcasts for the selected
Broadcaster of that podcast.

*Tip, if you are using the podcasts for the first time.

Press Shift+Tab, look for a button to choose the list view, for your

**Now press Control+1, on the numbers row, to go back to Music.

**How do you, go the the iTunes Store?

**Press the F6 key, until you hear Search edit.

Tab one time to, search options Button

Tab again to, Music Button

Tab again to, Library radio button checked

*tip, Remember, when I pressed the F6 key, two times from the Search edit
box, this is what my computer is set to use.

Tab again to, Store radio button not checked, press the Spacebar to check.

You will hear, the sound of the store page loading.

Press the F6 key, until you hear, Search edit.

Press the F6 key, one more time, this lands you on the home page of the
iTunes Store.

*Tip, pressing Control+Shift+H,with Jaws,  used to take you to the home page
of the Store.

>From the Store home page, Press Control+Home, you will hear:

Description: undefined.

**OK, stay right there for a minute, before we go any further.

**The most used keys in the iTunes Store, are as followes.

Press the letter H, to jump by heading.

Press the letter G, to jump by graphic Album.

Press the letter B, to jump to the song demo button.

Press the Backspace key, to go back a page in the Store.

Press the F6 key, until you land on the Search edit, type an artist or song
you are looking for, press Enter, to load a results page.

**OK, from the top of the iTunes Store home page.

Press H, one time, you will hear, New Music.

Press H again, you will hear, Hot Tracks.

Press H again, you will hear, Recent Releases: $7.99 or Less, this changes
all the time.

**Now press the Down arrow key two times, you will hear, See All link.

Press Enter on, see all link.

Again, you will hear a sound when the page loads in iTunes.

*tip, Whenever a new page loads in iTunes Store, always press Control+Home,
to go to the top of the page.

OK, after pressing enter on the see all link, and going to the top of the

**Press the letter G, for graphic Album.

**You will hear the following as you press the Down arrow on the Graphic

La La Land (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Various Artists


**Keep pressing the letter G, until you come to an Album you wish to look

**For example.

I pressed the letter G, until I got to, Description: 20 #1's: One Hit

Press the Down arrow two times to:

Link 20 #1's: One Hit Wonder, press Enter to go to the page for this Album.

If I would have kept pressing Down arrow, I would have heard.

Various Artists


**Link 20 #1's: One Hit Wonder, press Enter to go to the page for this

Now after pressing Enter, press Control+Home, to go to the top of the Album
page, you will hear Music.

Press the letter B, for button, you will hear, $6.99 Buy button.

If you press Enter, you will hear, if you are signed-in, password edet box.

Type in your iTunes password, Tab to the buy button, press Enter.

A warning dialog will pop up, Asking you, are you sure you want to buy the
Album, press Enter, to confirm

When the Album is done Downloading, you will hear an Album complete,
download sound.

**Now from the, $6.99 Buy button.

Press the letter H, one time, you will hear, 20 #1's: One Hit Wonder

**Press the Up arrow key twotimes, you will hear, ? 2016 Universal Music
Enterprises, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.

**Now press the letter B, one time, you will hear, Description: Preview My
Sharona button.

**Press the Spacebar to start the demo playing of the song, press the
Spacebar again, to stop the playing of the demo song.

If you Down arrow from any demo play buttons, you will get more information
about that song.

For example.

If I Down arrow from, Description: Preview My Sharona button.

I will hear, My Sharona, name of the Song.

I will hear, The Knack, the Artist.

I will hear the time of the song, 4:00, means four minutes.

$1.29 buy button, price for buying just the Song.

**Now press the letter H, until you hear, either Listeners Also Bought, or
Apple Music.

**Press the Up arrow two times, you will hear, TOTAL: 20 ITEMS.

*Tip, this page layout in iTunes, is the same way on every Album in the

**We could press the Backspace key, And go back to the $7.99 or less Album

**But instead, lets press the F6 key, until we come to the Search edit, we
will look for an Album in the Store.

**Type, Alan Jackson, press Enter.

Go to the top of the page, you will hear, Showing results for "alan

**Press the letter H, two times, you will hear, Albums.

**Press the Down arrow key, two times, you will hear, See All link, press

*Tip, If there is not a see all link, press the letter G instead, you will
go to the first Graphic Album.

**Press Enter on the see all link, for the Alan Jackson Albums.

Go to the top of the page, press the letter H, one time, you will hear

**Press the letter G, you will hear, Description: 34 Number Ones.

**Press the letter G again, you will hear, Description: Alan Jackson: The
Greatest Hits Collection.

If you press the Down arrow key several times, you will hear.

Link Alan Jackson: The Greatest Hits Collection

Alan Jackson


**Press Enter on, Link Alan Jackson: The Greatest Hits Collection

**Press Control+Home, you will hear, Music.

**Press the letter B, you will hear, $9.99 Buy button.

**Press the letter H, you will hear, Alan Jackson: The Greatest Hits

**Press the Up arrow key two times, you will hear, ? 1995 Arista Records,

**Press the letter B, you will land on the play demo button for,
Description: Preview Chattahoochee (Extended Mix) button.

**Press the Spacebar to play, press the Spacebar again to stop the demo

**Press the Down arrow key, to get more information about this song.

For example, pressing the Down arrow key, I will hear.

1. the Song name, Chattahoochee (Extended Mix).

2. The artist, Alan Jackson.

3. The time of the song, 3:56.

*Not sure what this is for, 29%.

4. The price and download link, of just buying the song, $1.29 button.

*Tip, you can continue to press the letter B, and jump song to song, press
the Spacebar, to start and stop the demo play Button.

**If you press the letter H, you will hear, Listeners Also Bought.

*Tip, if you press the Up arrow key, from Listeners Also Bought, two times,
you will hear, TOTAL: 20 ITEMS

**Now from Listeners Also Bought, press the letter G, to jump through the

For example, I will press the letter G, one time, this is what you will
hear, as you press the Down arrow key.

Description: My Next Broken Heart.

Description: Preview My Next Broken Heart button, this is the demo button.

My Next Broken HeartBrooks & Dunn - The Greatest Hits Collection, if you
press Enter here, you will be taken to the Music page for that Album.

*Tip, this is the regular layout for most pages in the iTunes Store.

**How do I get back to my Music, and close the iTunes Store?

1. Press the F6 key, go to the Search edit.

2. Tab to the , Library radio Button not checked, press the Spacebar to

3. Press the F6 key, go to Search edit, now press the F6 key three times,
from the Search edit, you will land on your Artist list.

**Tip, final tips and reminders about using iTunes 12 with Jaws.

1. Make sure the Column Browser is turned on, under the View menu, and make
sure the following items are checked.

2. *Artists checked., *Albums checked., *Group Compilations checked., *Use
Album Artists checked.

3. From Search edit, press F6, one time, make sure it says, Songs, press F6
again, make sure it says, Library, press F6 again, should say, Artist list.

4. Press Tab from Artist to Albums, press Tab from Albums to Songs, press
Shift+ Tab to go backwards.

5. Press the F6 key to jump across in large jumps, press Shift+F6, to jump

6. Press the Enter key to play a song or podcasts, from the beginning, press
the Spacebar to Pause/resume, play.

7. Remember when you Down arrow through the Artist list, you change what is
highlighted in the Albums and in the Songs list.

8. Many places, you will need to press Up then Down arrow, to get Jaws to
read the highlighted item.

9. Press Insert+Escape, to refresh Jaws.

10. In the iTunes Store, press H, for headings, press G, jump by graphic
Album, press B, jump to the next button, press the Backspace key, jump back
a page in the Store.

11. In the iTunes Store, press Control+R, to refresh the page.

12. Remember on any selected Song in your library, press the Applications
key, arrow down to, add to playlist sub menu, either creat a playlist, or
add any Song to an existing playlist.

13. Playing your playlist, press the F6 key, go to Search edit, press F6,
one time, quickly type the first two letters of the name of your playlist,
press F6 key two times, Down arrow one time, press Enter to play.

14. Remember when you Tab to a Song list or playlist, the first item is not
selected for you, press the Down arrow key, one time to select the first
item of a playlist, press Enter to play.

15. When you are done listening to a playlist, make sure you change it back
to Songs.

16. How to change your library back to Songs, press the F6 key, go to Search
edit, press F6 one time, type S,O, quickly, will set it back to Songs, press
F6 two times, to go to the Artist list.

****All member feedback is appreciated by me about any of my lessons, at all
times, here on the W-10 and Jaws group.

*My purpose for developing all of this free material for the Blind computer
user is to help teach and assist a Blind person to use w-10 with a Screen
reader like Jaws.

*My hope is that the Blind computer user will grow in confidence, in their
ability, to use, and to navigate the w-10 computer system, using just Jaws.

*We also have group members, to can help teach about using NVDA, on a W-10
computer as well.

*This is one of many tutorials, I hope to produce, for the Blind community,
to help teach all of them, how to use a W-10 computer using Jaws.

*My hope is , That over time, they would learn how to do, and complete,
various computer tasks in W-10, all by themselves.

*The W-10 and Jaws yahoo group is a freely provided ministry of The River
Yahoo group.

*I freely offer the W-10 and Jaws group, and all of its materials, as a free
and voluntary work of love, to reach out and teach all the blind computer
users all over the world, how to learn how to use a W-10 computer using

You can subscribe to The River group at:


Happy learning! God bless!

Sincerely: Jim Flusche
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Dujari, Prateek
To: jaws-users-list@jaws-users.com
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2018 7:45 AM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] How to transfer mp3 files from PC to iPhone

[] Using latest Jaws2018, iTunes on both my PC's-> a Win7 and a Win10.  I'm 
a rookie with transferring files from my PC to iPhone and all I would like 
to do is transfer mp3 files from PC to iPhone.
[] Would someone pl tell me how to do so given that my mp3 files are on my 
PC's hard drive, I've  latest iTunes and my iPhone is connected by the cable 
to USB port of my PC?
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