How can I combine slots (shadow facts) from different
deftemplates in the same clp file.

I need a rule of the form:

(defrule Test-rule

(Beanclass1 {slot1 == "stringvalue" }) AND!!!!
   (Beanclass2  {slot2 == "closed"})

    (printout t "FIRE!!"  crlf)

I am running runUntilHalt through api calls and rete.add/update
for adding the knowledge. I have found that the problem is located
in the rule since the getSlot1 and getSlot2 are called normally.

Any help please?


On Thu, 30 Oct 2008, John Chrysakis wrote:

> Hello to jess community,
> I have a problem with the patterns of a  rule
> In my clp file I have defined:
> (deftemplate Door(declare (from-class Door )))
> (deftemplate User(declare (from-class User )))
> (defrule MainDoor-rule
> (Door  {mainDoorState == "closed"})
> (User {userLocation == "NearDoorRegion" })
>   =>
>      (printout t "@@@ YES @@@:"  crlf))
> Door,User are the Bean classes which contain the required methods:
> getmainDoorState, getuserLocation
> I add an instance of each class into WM but the rule never fires even
> though it calls correctly the above methods.
> But if I try to reject one LHS condition , the rule fires normally...
> Why this happens?
> Should I add something to the syntax of the rule
> in order to check both conditions??
> thanks in advance,
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