JavaBeans may need correct capitalization.  For variables mainDoorState and 
userLocation, which both follow the standard convention of beginning with lower 
case and internal capitalization of words, the access methods should capitalize 
the first letter after "get" or "set" such as getMainDoorState and 

Bob Kirby

At 08:21 AM 10/30/2008, John Chrysakis wrote:
>Hello to jess community,
>I have a problem with the patterns of a  rule
>In my clp file I have defined:
>(deftemplate Door(declare (from-class Door )))
>(deftemplate User(declare (from-class User )))
>(defrule MainDoor-rule
>(Door  {mainDoorState == "closed"})
>(User {userLocation == "NearDoorRegion" })
>  =>
>     (printout t "@@@ YES @@@:"  crlf))
>Door,User are the Bean classes which contain the required methods:
>getmainDoorState, getuserLocation
>I add an instance of each class into WM but the rule never fires even
>though it calls correctly the above methods.
>But if I try to reject one LHS condition , the rule fires normally...
>Why this happens?
>Should I add something to the syntax of the rule
>in order to check both conditions??
>thanks in advance

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