On 11/28/2013 05:11 PM, Robert Hanson wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 9:54 AM, Rolf Huehne <rhue...@fli-leibniz.de> wrote:
>> Within the development 'Jena3D Viewer' language switching works with
>> Java but not (always) with HTML5. In Firefox 25 there is no error
>> message at all but in Chromium 30 there is the following error message:
>> ----------------------------------
>> Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not
>> Found)
>> http://jenalib.fli-leibniz.de/cgi-bin//ImgLibPDB/jmol/jmol-13.3.9d/jsmol/idioma/de.po
>> ----------------------------------
> Right, I guess you didn't upload the idioma subdirectory. It's certainly in
> the zip file. The file is not there. Nor is anything at
> http://jenalib.fli-leibniz.de/cgi-bin/ImgLibPDB
No, the idioma subdirectory is at the proper place. But apparantly the 
server absolute path (indicated by the '/' at the beginning) provided as 
'Info.j2sPath' is mistaken as a relative path.

Since the page is build from a CGI script the base URL for the page is 

Now the major part of the 'j2sPath' seems to be appended to the base URL 
resulting in the wrong URL 

Instead it should have been appended to the server root path 
"http://jenalib.fli-leibniz.de/"; to build the correct URL 

>> Additionally, in Chromium 30 on Linux with HTML5 and the development
>> 'Jena3D Viewer' an alert box is opened:
>> "JmolCore.js: synchronous binary file transfer is requested but not
>> available"
>> After clicking "ok" the structure file is loaded anyway.
>> There is also the following  Javascript error message:
>> ----------------------------------
>> XMLHttpRequest.responseType cannot be changed for synchronous HTTP(S)
>> requests made from the window context.
>> ----------------------------------
>> Is the alert box just a warning or was there really a problem?
>> If it is just a warning, can it be deactivated for productive use?
> This first is the test that JSmol uses to check for availability of
> synchronous binary file loading. The message is saying that a relay is
> being used because this browser can't read binary data that way (Chrome and
> Safari and MSIE). It's tell you (the developer) that a binary file has been
> requested (probably GZIP? Certainly no longer necessary to do that ---
> servers will automatically convert to gz, and browsers will automatically
> unzip them.) Whatever you are using for Info.serverUrl is being used to
> encode the data as base64 on the server side and decode it back on the page
> by JSmol. Any chance you can just avoid binary?
I can't really avoid it. On the server all PDB Files are deposited as 
'.gz' files. But they are provided by a CGI script that sometimes needs 
to manipulate them before they are send to the browser or JSmol or 
switch to a different directory. I wouldn't want to loose the 
flexibility that is enabled by this.

Fortunately the binary file indicator can be anywhere in the URL so that 
I could just add ".bin" to the existing flexible 'MODE' parameter of the 
CGI script.

> Feel free to remove the message. I could add something that you could turn
> off.
I would prefer an option to turn it off. The larger the list of local 
adaptations grows the more difficult and time consuming updates to bug 
fix or new releases will become, also for other page developers.


Rolf Huehne

Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
Beutenbergstrasse 11
07745 Jena, Germany

Phone:   +49 3641 65 6205
Fax:     +49 3641 65 6210
E-Mail:  rhue...@fli-leibniz.de
Website: http://www.fli-leibniz.de

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