On 12/02/2013 02:13 PM, Jaime Prilusky wrote:
> Rolf,
> Maybe the way I work on Proteopedia might help you.
> I have a CGI script that sends the content of the structure files to
> Jmol/JSmol: getlateststructure
> The script gets as a parameter the name of the file to return or the
> PDB id for that file, and looks for the ending “.gz” on that
> parameter. This “.gz” ending gets removed from the actual name of the
> requested data and kept as a flag of the type of data required. No
> additional CGI parameter is required.
> If the “.gz” flag is present then the script will do whatever its
> necessary to get the data and send it gzipped. Otherwise it will send
> it uncompressed. This is, depending on the request, the script will
> uncompress compressed files before sending, or will compress plain
> data, to keep the receiving applet happy.
Jaim, thanks for the hint. This sounds similar to what my CGI script 
does since the beginning of the 'Jena3D Viewer'. The downside is sending 
the data uncompressed. That's why I am working on using the 
'Content-encoding' response header parameter to get compressed CGI data 
to a browser which has sent 'gzip' in the 'Accept-encoding' request 
header parameter. This would mimic what Paul and Bob have suggested by 
changing the Apache web server configuration.


Rolf Huehne

Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz Lipmann Institute (FLI)
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