We just pulled the RV up in front of a fire ring and set up camp, 3 RV's a bunch of jeeps. The fine is like $50 for drinking a _LEGAL_ beverage on the beach. Not that I'm promoting it as I don't drink, but like the late great George Carlin said "Cop didn't see it, I didn't do it..." YMMV. Oh, and tomorrow I'll be making a call on my cell phone in the car going down the road, what a rebel...


Gus Wirth wrote:
James G. Sack (jim) wrote:

Beach and fire would not be critical for me.

There is an area behind the Bahia Hotel on Mission Bay that has close parking, fire rings, and is usually uncrowded.

I'd would really like a beer[1] with my picnic, but I understand that
beer is no longer allowed on the beach -- is that correct?

There is a bar in the hotel where one can get a beer. Beer on the beach is banned :(

[1] I suppose we'd have to keep an eye on Gus.. see:

I can never remember where I park that thing. I'll have to ask Wonder Woman how she keeps track of her plane ;)



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