On Wed, Aug 21, 2013 at 6:38 AM, Mr. Phan Anh <ppa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Name: Anh Phan
> Position: Vietnamese Translator
> Content: The meaning of "Relief" and "No Relief"
> ______________________
> I got the translation for "Relief" and "No Relief". But I dont really know
> the meaning and the effect of those terms.

These are technical terms.  They refer to text that appears to be
raised or sunked into the page.  OpenOffice mimics these real-world

So the allowed values of  "Relief" are:

"No relief" -- normal text

"Embossed" -- this is when paper is stamped from behind to show a
raised surface.  You can see some examples here:


"Engraved" is to cut an image into a surface.  Like carved letters in stone.

The word "relief" in this sense means: "The projection of figures or
forms from a flat background, as in sculpture, or the apparent
projection of such shapes in a painting or drawing."



> So:
> 1. Please Create a screenshot for me, that:
> a. A normal of a word, then applied the "Relief" function
> b. A normal of a word, then applied the "Non Relief" function.
> 2. If you guys dont like the idea of screenshot, just record your sreen and
> I will look at the result after changing them.
> 3. Thank you.

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