" In the old days one Always had a leopard bobbin( wood with pewter spots)
the pillow, to ward off arthritis."

Patty - I would not hold your breath, if I were you!!!!!!!!!! :)) Sorry!!
Still............ you never know!!!!!!!!! Some of these old remedies Do
work!!!!!!!!! :))  With arthritic fingers one is happy to try Anything!! (I
know, and can sympathise with you.)

Bobbin lace is just about the only handcraft that suits crippled hands.  A now
gone friend had the most terribley crippled hands due to arthritis, and had to
give up all her crafts - till she discovered bobbin lacemaking. Her DH made
her some thick bobbins that she could manage, and she made a Huge banquet
table-sized tablecloth edge - 6 - 8 inches wide, - and she said it saved her
sanity!!  Her daughter had to mount the lace on the cloth, but lacemaking was
the only thing she could do - with thicker threads, of course.  I have a
couple of prs of her bobbins, now - a group of us were given them after she
passed away, and I use them for gimps.  They are perfect, and a nice reminder
of a lovely lady.

So if your hands are a problem, - keep making lace. It really is good for
Regards from Liz in Melbourne

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