
  I know some programmers prefer Lazarus IDE the way it is. However,
on my development environments, with little desktop space, working
with many windows is not a happy experience. I also read some threads
on the web forum requesting workspace integration, so I started
digging in the Lazarus code. Thanks to Mattias' fix to the Notebook
change of parent, I could get a working version of Lazarus on (almost)
one window: http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1012/1358706622_0ab97e91ef_o.png

  The patches are available at
http://rvr.infoastro.org/code/lazarus/sdi-svn-r11993.diff.gz (against
revision 11993). The list of changes is this:

// ObjectInspector
- Added DockPanel
- Parent:=Self -> Parent:=DockPanel
- OnShow/OnActivate -> Hide

// MsgView
- Added DockPanel
- OnShow/OnActivate -> Hide

// UnitEditor
- Added DockPanel
- Added MessagesViewPanel
- Added SplitterMessagesView (bottom)
- Added ObjectInspectorPanel
- Added SplitterObjectInspector
- Parent:=Self -> Parent:=DockPanel (Notebook)
- OnShow/OnActivate -> Hide

// MainBar
- Added MenuPanel
- Added DockPanel
- Added SetupPanels
- Deactivate SourceNotebook.ShowOnTop

// Main
- Change of parents
- Added SetupPanels
- Parent := MainIDEBar -> ComponentsNotebook, pnlSpeedButtons

// lcl/include/customform.inc:1225
- Don't raise OnFocus exceptions

- Replace DockPanel hack by a TForm custom object
- Switch between many windows and one window

  This hack is somewhat dirty. Instead of creating a custom form, I
added manually containers panel to Object Inspector, MessagesView and
SourceNotebook. Some destination panels and splitters were added to
SourceNotebook (to host OI and MV) and to MainIDEBar (to arrange
correctly the buttons and host the SourceNotebook along OI and MV). A
customform exception when a focus is given to a hide form was also

  An obvious missing feature is to be able to switch between this and
the original interface.

  Comments will be welcome. (And please, don't be too hard, ten years
have passed since my last Object Pascal experience, with Delphi 3).


Víctor R. Ruiz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | - Todos estos momentos se perderán
http://rvr.blogalia.com/           |   como lágrimas en la lluvia

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