Zitat von Luca Olivetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> En/na Marc Weustink ha escrit:
> > I've the same layout in separate windows. I never can get used to delphi
> > versions where they are placed in one window, since whin I want to edit
> > some properties in the object inspector, the whole is covering my form
> > so I cannot see the visual imapact. This means that I've to switch
> > everytime between OI and form to see if it is OK.
> > So if you ask me, I won't invest time implementing a feature in Lazarus
> > which I never would use.
> OTOH I find it really sweet to have the toolbar, the messages and the
> editor in the same window (I always seem to be chasing the messages
> and/or the toolbar when I move windows around or maximize the editor,
> ok, my fault but I'd still like to have those in the same window).
> I agree that the object inspector should be in a stand alone window.
> Maybe the interface could be dockable?

I agree. I hope to find time to finish the LCL docking code. As soon as this
works good enough it will be used in the IDE.


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