On 19/01/2008, Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can design KOL apps and forms visually in Lazarus.
> The trick is that KOL is quite LCL compatible and tells the IDE to be
> treated like the LCL.

No, fpGUI is not that compatible with LCL. It's different, but not way
different like MSEgui.
fpGUI has it's own visual form designer. The really nice thing is that
Lazarus detects file changes when it gets focus so it's pretty much
like pressing F12. I switch between the UI Designer and Lazarus with

The other difference in fpGUI is that the UI Designer writes the GUI
as Object Pascal code, directly in the .pas unit. It doesn't use a
external .lfm file like Lazarus.  The designer inserts comment markers
in the code to know what code to manage and _only_ changes that code.
One set of comment markers in the interface section (for field
variables) and one set in the implementation section.

I actually spoke to Michael about this recently.  The UI Designer also
has another very nice feature. It can handle unknown components or
properties as well.  Unknown components are draw in the designer as
green rectangle with the name and type of the component.  The
component palette also has a Unkown component you can drop on a form.
The Object Inspector has a text memo with holds all unknown
properties. Whatever is written in there gets added as is in the
implementation section of that component.  This works very nice.
The designer also supports Property Editors - eg: the column editor
for StringGrid.

See the following for a image of the designer at work. The screenshot
is a bit dated (new components have been added), but it gives you an

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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