On 29/01/2008, A.J. Venter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well I wasn't actually saying it would be the answer for you right now -
> but I wanted to fix the misconception - it is possible to use a custom
> theme for just your program, ship it with it etc.

I understand that you can ship a custom theme (rc file or whatever)
for GTK with your application. Somebody else told me that before.  But
I needed more flexibility by changing the appearance of a _single_
component on-demand (eg: TEdit's background to clError [yellow] when
there was a validation issue).  All this is water under the bridge for
me now - we are already 2.5 years into development. Why to late to
change GUI toolkits again.

It would be nice if what you said was documented on the Lazarus wiki
though (if it's not already there).  It might be handy for other

> One thing keeps coming up in usability studies - every app on the user's
> desktop should behave the same to the largest possible extent. So the
> user does not need to learn how to navigate 20 types of file open

fpGUI's designs like the File Open dialog are based on Windows look,
so any user should be able to use it.  The Font dialog (not used much
in general apps) have a slightly different look, but that's because it
has some unique features. Still very simple to use.

Oh, fpGUI's Buttons work similar to Windows to.... point and click.  ;-)

> But, FPgui is well on it's way to fully supporting your use-case - and
> once it's LCL linked, lazarus will be able to meet either use-case.

That is what I am hoping for and why I'll justify spending time
working on the LCL-fpGUI integration.

> Can you mail me offlist with some of the priority missing pieces ? Then
> if I have time, I can send you back some patches to help it along.

Thanks AJ, I'll send you a mail...

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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