On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 09:16:16AM +0700, Paul Ishenin wrote:
>> since 2.2.0. (the shell* units are mostly post 2.2.0 though). Most no
>> There are some issues that must be still resolved:
>> - TNMLVCustomDraw win32extra definition doesn't match commctrl one.
> I will fix this in lazarus. If we look at winapi definition then
> typedef struct tagNMLVCUSTOMDRAW {
>   COLORREF clrText;
>   COLORREF clrTextBk;
> ...
> }
> In lazarus definition NMCUSTOMDRAW fields are moved from nested record 
> field into TNMLVCUSTOMDRAW itself.

Ah, now I see. Note that the winapi version is already in commctrls. It
doesn't need redefinition
>> - comctrlversion* constants are not known in the SDK. What are these?
>> - DSC_ constants are unknown in SDK (DSC_MODAL,  DSC_MODELESS)

(so these will stay)

>> notes:
>> - cdrf_NOTIFYITEMERASE not available in SDK 6.0!?!?! -> added for now
>>     anyway, since some other constants (swp_*) have comments that defines
>>    from wine were added.
> open msdn for NM_CUSTOMDRAW (list view) and you'll see CDRF_NOTIFYITEMERASE

(I grepped the headers of a SDK (6.0) dled last week. No match. Note that I
copied it anyway)

>> My full notes of the conversion is here:
>> - http://www.stack.nl/~marcov/win32extranotes.txt
> I found this:
> swp_* new items added, one not in sdk, but comments says it is from wine.
> Comment actually says that this one value is not documented, but windows 
> itself uses it. IIRC name of this const has been taken from wine since 
> there is no official name for undocumented const :)

Yes, but it was good enough, it is copied.
>> I'll merge these changes to 2.2.1 today, since they mostly are nearly only 
>> constants, and then the symbols can be removed/ifdefed from win32extra.
> Big thanks.

They were merged to 2.2.1 yesterdayevening, and since your comments don't
need more changes FPC side, I guess Lazarus can start changing when they

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